Charles Zhao, partner at GEN Law Firm, has been honored as one of the "LEGALBAND: Top 20 Dispute Resolution Lawyers" for 2023 by LEGALBAND, the internationally recognized legal rating agency, on October 17, 2023. This prestigious accolade has recognized Charles' unwavering commitment and exceptional skills in resolving complex legal disputes. His clients have consistently praised his outstanding professionalism, making this recognition all the more deserved.

Charles Zhao has extensive practical experience in dispute resolution. He has led or participated in several major cases with amounts in dispute exceeding hundreds of millions and spanning multiple legal jurisdictions. Charles Zhao provides professional legal services for dispute resolution to domestic and international listed companies and leading enterprises in the fields of automotive, medical, consumer retail, finance, technology, real estate, and energy, etc. He assists clients in resolving disputes and securing their legal rights and interests with effectively targeted legal solutions.

Charles Zhao's solid legal foundation and innovative working methods have earned him widespread praise from many corporate clients. Clients have remarked, "Charles Zhao is a diligent and responsible attorney who fearlessly tackles cutting-edge issues in cross-border disputes. He is highly skilled in using legal techniques to resolve problems in a timely and effective manner." "We hold in high esteem and unequivocally vouch for his professional integrity. He consistently delivers service with unwavering dedication. In handling intricate cross-border disputes, he remains abreast of contemporary legal developments, ceaselessly enhancing his professional prowess. Consequently, the favorable outcomes he has secured for us have frequently exceeded our expectations."

The LEGALBAND: Top 20 Dispute Resolution Lawyers for 2023 was compiled over a month, during which the organization carefully considered recommendation materials from various major law firms, self-recommendation materials from lawyers, and clients' feedback. Combined with the long-term attention and insight of the LEGALBAND research team in China into the field of dispute resolution, they finally selected 20 lawyers who excel in the field of dispute resolution and are favored by clients. Charles Zhao's achievements in dispute resolution merit recognition, making his inclusion on this list well-deserved.

We congratulate Charles Zhao on this outstanding recognition and look forward to his continued success in providing our clients with exceptional legal services of professionalism and efficiency.